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Learn about the process of adoption today and how we can help you through it. 


Initial Intake Meeting

When first applying to a public adoption agency, applicants are usually required to attend an intake meeting.

Formal Application

If applicants are still interested in proceeding after this meeting, they are asked to complete a formal application.

PRIDE Training

In most provinces and territories, prospective adoptive applicants will need to attend a mandatory PRIDE educational training before completing their Homestudy process.

The Homestudy

There may be a waiting period before a social worker is able to do an applicant's homestudy.

Join An Adoption Support Group

Final Decision

The entire process may take a short period of time or several months, depending on a variety of factors, including worker caseload.

Children's Needs Considered First

When considering adoption, remember that the purpose of adoption is to find families for children, not children for families.

Join An Adoption Support Group

Because the process can be emotionally draining and filled with highs and lows, applicants are advised to join an adoption support group.

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday

9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Eastern Standard Time


Child and Youth Permanency Council of Canada

PO Box 23001 RPO Fairlawn Plaza
Ottawa, ON

K2A 4E2


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