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Aging Out Without a Safety Net is a four-year project (2018 - 2022), funded by Women and Gender Equality Canada. 


The project explores how transitioning to independence, also known as “aging out” of the child welfare system, affects the economic security of young women. 

The project identifies barriers to economic security and includes policy and program recommendations to remove those barriers. 

Our projects intent is to involve and amplify the voices and experiences of young women across Canada who age out of the child welfare system. 

Key Findings



89 %

experienced homelessness, both before and after aging out of the child welfare system.



is the median income bracket of the young women+ involved in our study.


They were more likely to be unemployed.


Young women+ earned half as much as their peers from the general population.


According to Statistics Canada, Canadian women earned between $30,000 - $40,000 in 2019.


experienced early childhood adversity such as abuse, neglect, and interpersonal violence.


This rate is much higher than the general population and is known to have lifelong impacts on mental and physical health.


self-reported mental health challenges, a rate much higher than the general population, despite the fact that mental health concerns are on the rise, particularly among young women.


experienced involvement with the justice system; for 27%, that involvement included arrests or spending time in a youth or adult correctional facility.


experienced sexual assault; 23% reported they were a survivor of human trafficking.


self-identified addictions or said they had abused substances.


self-identified as living with a visible or invisible disAbility.

Recommendations from young women+ involved in
Aging Out Without a Safety Net project
Lived Experience of young women+ involved in
Aging Out Without a Safety Net project

More information on our project and Journey Maps can be found below in the report
'Aging Out Without A Safety Net_Part 2'.

The report was conducted in partnership with the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH).

Journey Maps created by the talented Amanda Lederle, an Inuit Artist residing in Canada. 

Aging Out Without a Safety Net Reports

Click the Following Images to Download our Reports

Read the Aging Out Without a Safety Net Part 1 Report and learn more about CYPCC's Recommendations

Digital Advocacy Videos Created by Young Women+ Who Have or are in the Process of Aging Out of the Canadian Child Welfare System

Aging Out Without a Safety Net National Symposium Panels 

On October 27, 2021 CYPCC held a virtual symposium gathering child welfare stakeholders, provincial / territorial and federal policy makers, national partners, and young women+ who aged out of the child welfare system to discuss how to improve their socio-economic security.

Please enjoy our symposium panels which highlight the incredible voices of those trying to improve the lives of young women+ aging out of the child welfare system across Canada.

Aging Out Without A Safety Net Symposium Highlights

Aging Out Without A Safety Net Symposium Highlights

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Our Hopes, Our Dreams Panel Highlights

Our Hopes, Our Dreams Panel Highlights

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Making a Difference Panel Highlights

Making a Difference Panel Highlights

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Beyond Housing Panel Highlights

Beyond Housing Panel Highlights

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09:00 AM - 05:00 PM


Conseil canadien de la permanence pour les enfants et les jeunes

PO Box 23001 RPO Fairlawn Plaza
Ottawa, ON K2A 4E2


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13803 1596 RR0001

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