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Public Adoption Resource Information 

Public Adoption is the process by which children and youth in the child welfare system who are in Extended Society Care are eligible for adoption. Public adoptions are supported by local Children's Aid Societies (or the provincial/territorial equivalent) across Canada. Your local child welfare agency will provide free information sessions for those prospective adoptive parents interested in learning more information about the children and youth waiting for families in the child welfare system.


Once your family completes the intake process, the local child welfare agency will provide educational training Parent Resource for Information Development and Education (PRIDE) and support with a social worker to complete your SAFE homestudy

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday

9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Eastern Standard Time


Child and Youth Permanency Council of Canada

PO Box 23001 RPO Fairlawn Plaza
Ottawa, ON

K2A 4E2


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13803 1596 RR0001

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